===== submit_prepare.pl ===== This is a Perl script which automates some of the steps in preparing a file for submission to ApJ or astro-ph. It will never modify your original TeX file or figures, but instead creates copies with the desired changes. Use it like: submit_prepare.pl myarticle.tex and it will create a new subdirectory called "submit" with a version of the article ready for submission. Use submit_prepare.pl -x myarticle.tex to copy all your images and shrink them into compressed JPEG format to meet ArXiV.org's file size limits. This script requires that you have both Ghostscript (gs) and jpeg2ps installed. #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # submit_prepare.pl -- Marshall Perrin # # Package up an article for submission to ApJ or ArXiV.org (astro-ph) # This involves renaming things to meet the ApJ file name standards, # and/or re-compressing image files smaller to meet ArXiV's file # size limit, and then compressing everything into a tar file. # # It also strips out comments from the LaTeX file, both to reduce # file size further and in case you left any embarassing comments in that # you don't want the journal editor to see. ;-) # # Usage: submit_prepare.pl [-x] [-r #] [-t] # # Options: # -x prepare for ArXiV submission. This involves recompressing # all figures to a smaller size in order to meet the < 1MB limit. # -r # What resolution to use for JPEGs during ArXiV preparation. # Default is 150 dpi; make it smaller to shrink files more. # -t automatically tar things up into submit.tar.gz # # Outputs: A directory called "submit" which contains all the relevant stuff. # **WARNING** This script will overwrite any existing "submit" # subdirectory of the current directory. Any files therein will be lost! # # Requirements: # You must have jpeg2ps and gs in your path. Get gs from Fink and # jpeg2ps from http://www.pdflib.com/products/more/jpeg2ps.html # or DarwinPorts. # # History: # 2005-10-07 Began. M. Perrin # 2006-04-24 Added option handling, checks for file name # extensions, and general cleanup of the code. # # # TODO: Make it check for includegraphics commands too, and optionally # convert them to plotones, stripping out any arguments use Getopt::Std; # See http://aplawrence.com/Unix/perlgetopts.html # TODO make this better. # add an option to automatically latex and xdvi it for testing. %options = (); getopts("xr:t",\%options); if ($#ARGV < 0) { die "Usage: submit_prepare.pl [-x] [-r #] [-t] \n"} if (defined $options{r}) { $resolution = $options{r}; print " Using resolution = $resolution\n"; } else { $resolution = 150; } # are we preparing for submission to a journal (default; use full-res figures) # or to ArXiv.org (aka astro-ph, in which case we need to compress the figures); $arxiv_mode = defined $options{x}; $inputtex = $ARGV[0]; unless ($inputtex =~ /\.tex$/) {$inputtex .= ".tex";}; print "Input file is $inputtex\n"; unless (-e $inputtex) {die "Couldn't find that input file!\n"} mkdir "submit"; `rm submit/*`; # clean out any leftover files there open IN,$inputtex or die "Error:$!"; open OUT,">submit/ms.tex" or die; $figcounter = 1; while () { #Remove any comments in the LaTeX file before submitting s/^%.*\n|([^\\])%.*\n/$1/go; # Look to see if this line references a figure. if (/\\plotone{([^\}]*)}/) { $fn = $1; # output a new version of the input line which links to # 'f1', 'f2', etc instead. s/$fn/f$figcounter.eps/; prepare_figure($fn); } # repeat the above for includegraphics instead of plotone. if (/\\includegraphics(.*){([^\}]*)}/) { $args = $1; $fn = $2; prepare_figure($fn); } print OUT; } # copy the BBL file, too (necessary for ApJ submission since they # don't do BiBTeX directly) $bblname = $inputtex; $bblname =~ s/\.tex/\.bbl/; `cp $bblname submit/ms.bbl`; print "\nOutput written to submit/ms.tex\n"; if ($arxiv_mode) { $size = (split(/\s+/,`du -sk submit`))[0]; print " Total size of submit directory: $size kB\n\n"; if ($size >= 1024) {print "**** Warning! Size > 1 MB! ****\n"; } } if (defined $options{t}) { system('tar cvzf submit.tar.gz submit'); $size = (split(/\s+/,`ls -l submit.tar.gz`))[4]; $size = int($size/1024); print " Created submit.tar.gz $size kB\n\n"; } ###################################################################### sub prepare_figure { my ($fn); $fn = shift; print "figure: $fn\t=> f$figcounter.eps\n\t"; # if $fn does not have an extension, assume it's .eps unless ($fn =~ /\.eps$/) { $fn .= ".eps"}; #TODO error checking for the case where $fn is not an EPS file! unless (-e $fn) { die "I can't find the file $fn!"; } if ($arxiv_mode) { # Now compress the figure for ArXiV's draconian requirements `gs -r$resolution -dEPSCrop -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=submit/f$figcounter.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE $fn`; `jpeg2ps submit/f$figcounter.jpg > submit/f$figcounter.eps`; `rm submit/f$figcounter.jpg`; # and use whichever is smaller $oldsize = -s "$fn"; $newsize = -s "submit/f$figcounter.eps"; print "\tOld size:\t$oldsize\tNew size:\t$newsize\n"; # if ($oldsize < $newsize) {`cp $fn.eps submit/f$figcounter.eps" } else { # We're just submitting to a journal. This is easy. `cp $fn submit/f$figcounter.eps`; } $figcounter++; }