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AY 375 - Fall 2014: Fourth Day Lesson Plan


Today's class will be only an hour long, focusing on demos and lecturing/learning styles.

General Takeaways

  1. Strive to teach the same material in various ways.
  2. Demonstrations are a great way to engage students, maintain interest, and show science-in-action.
  3. Preparation is key.

Section Recap (10 minutes)

Remind them that this is something we intend to do every week and that everyone should come prepared to share about how their previous sections went.

Open the floor up for general questions and sharing about how sections are going. Some questions include:

Administering Demos (15 min)

Printable Version Here: DemosHandout

Lecturing Styles (30 minutes)

Students were required to watch (1) a lecture from Alex Filippenko's C10 (Introductory to Astronomy) lectures on white dwarfs, binaries, and introduction to supernova, and (2) a freshman physics lecture from Walter Lewin at MIT on the Doppler effect. The instructors provided a worksheet to be filled out. Instructors will check to make sure this assignment has been completed.

Class discussion:

Notes on videos:




  1. Look at strengths and weaknesses of others so that we can better evaluate ourselves. Did you find ways of assessing your students' learning? How did you engage your students with the material (style: humor, quirkiness, techniques: using demos or data to elicit questions)? Do your activities relate to your learning objectives?
  2. These people have won awards, and even they make mistakes. No one is perfect. There is always room to grow and learn. Be patient with yourself as a teacher.
  3. In planning and evaluating your teaching, it can be helpful to put yourself in the shoes of your students. Would have enjoyed/been engaged with what was happening in section? Just keep in mind that students also learn in different ways and so diversifying your teaching techniques is good.

Homework for Next Time