Table of Contents

Course Enrollment Guide for 2009

There are two important sites related to enrollment at Berkeley:

You have until the end of the third week of classes to set your course enrollment for the semester. It's helpful for the professors if you enroll sooner rather than later, however.

Unless you have made arrangements otherwise, you need to enroll in 201, 290A, and 300 (if you are GSIing). You should be enrolled in at least 12 units of classes. The usual way to achieve this is to take the aforementioned classes, one further “real” graduate class (218, C249, 250, or 252) and a seminar or two. The seminar courses have no requirements beyond your attendance at the weekly meetings.

Astronomy Courses of Interest, Fall 2009

Number Title Instructor Location Meeting Times Frequency Units CCN
122 Infrared Lab Graham 705 Tu 6-12am ~Yearly 4 06723
160 Stellar Physics Filippenko 544 MWF 11-12 ~Yearly 4 06726
162 Planetary Astrophysics de Pater 544 Tu 2:30-5 ~Yearly 4 06735
201 Radiative Processes Bower 501 TT 12:30-2 Yearly 4 06798
218 Stellar Dynamics & Galactic Structure Blitz 544 TT 9:30-11 2 years 3 06801
250 Rocky and Icy Planets Marcy 265 McCone M 12-2 One-time 3 06804
250 Star Formation Stahler 501 TT 2-3:30 2 years 3 06806
290A Intro. to Current Research Graham 501 Tu 4-5 Yearly 1 06810
300 Instruction Techniques Shiode 544 M 4-6 Yearly 2 06960

Seminar Courses

These are offered every semester.

Number Title Location Meeting Time Units CCN
C285 TAC Seminar 544 M 12-1 2 06807
C290C Cosmology Seminar 544 Tu 1-2 2 06813
292 Journal Club 544 F 12-1 1-2 06816
292 Theory Lunch 501 W 12-1 1-2 06819
292 Radio Lunch 544 Th 4-5 1-2 06822
292 SF/ISM 501 M 3-4 1-2 06825
292 Filippenko Group Lunch (?) 661 W 12-1 1-2 06828

Physics courses offered Fall 2009

Number Title Instructor Units CCN
205BAdvanced Dynamics Knobloch 4 69612
209Classic E&M Ganor 5 69618
221AQuantum Mechanics Commins 5 69627
226Particle Physics Phenomenology Shapiro 4 69636
232AQuantum Field Theory I Murayama 4 69642
233BStandard Model and Beyond II Hall 4 69648
234AString Theory I Horava 4 69654
238 Advanced Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Phys Mueller 4 69660
240AQuantum Theory of Solids Cohen 4 69666
242APlasma Physics Wurtele 4 69672