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astro300_f11:day3 [2011/08/29 22:17] a_leeastro300_f11:day3 [2013/08/30 03:38] (current) a_lee
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-======AY 300 - Fall 2011: Third Day Lesson Plan======+======AY 375 - Fall 2011: Third Day Lesson Plan======
-Today's class will discuss ethics, continue talking about good lecturing and board work techniques, and effective group strategies.+ 
 +Discuss ethics, continue talking about good lecturing and board work techniques, and effective group strategies.
 ==== GOALS ==== ==== GOALS ====
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 =====Teaching Math (45 min)===== =====Teaching Math (45 min)=====
-Thereseyou said you had some ideas for thisHow about you take the lead.+Math Anxiety 
 +   * 93% of adults identify as being bad at math 
 +   * Different components: general dislike of mathfear of boardwork/working with peers, test anxiety 
 +What to do to counter it: 
 +   * Never assume a math step is obvious 
 +   * Write all steps on the board 
 +   * Don't erase 
 +   * Explain in words 
 +   * Group work 
 +         * Have students write on the board as much as possible, and explain in groups to the class or each other. 
 +         * Try out conceptual math 
 +         * Get students to think about whether or not their answer makes sense on a qualitative scale before moving to a                    
 +         quantitative one 
 +         * Make the fraction of your class that is equation-based similar to that of exams 
 +         * Emphasize office hours/TALC 
 +Lecture tutorials: 
 +   * Developed as an activity for large lecture classes-- lecture the first ~30 minutes, complete the activity in  
 +   partners for the last ~20. 
 +   * However, written with lots of useful techniques for section 
 +====Do Lecture tutorial example=== 
 +   * What did you notice about the activity and implementation? 
 +   * Scaffolding 
 +   * Don't spend excessive amounts of time with any one group 
 +   * Get them to read the problem aloud-- can solve many issues 
 +   * Emphasize the need to work together 
 +   * Push students to keep them attentive 
 =====BREAK (5 min)===== =====BREAK (5 min)=====
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 =====Planning Section (remaining time)===== =====Planning Section (remaining time)=====