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astro300_f19:day10 [2019/10/24 01:55] michaelmedfordastro300_f19:day10 [2019/10/24 01:55] (current) michaelmedford
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 + ======AY 375 - Fall 2019: Tenth Day Lesson Plan======
 +=====Section Recap (15 min)=====
 +=====Faculty Q&A (50 min)=====
 +Start-time: 5:30PM
 +Panel: TBD
 +Sample Q&A Questions:
 +  * How do you form learning objectives and lesson plans?
 +  * What is your lecture style like?
 +  * What kinds of active learning strategies do you employ? 
 +  * What is your own personal teaching philosophy?
 +  * What are some stories/examples of teaching moments that were both great and terrible?
 +  - None!