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start [2022/05/19 21:47] – [Department Stuff] nathan_sandfordstart [2023/05/22 23:26] (current) – [Job Stuff] apusack
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 +====== BadGrads Wiki ======
 +Welcome to the BADGrads wiki!
 +  * A wiki is a collaborative effort, so if you see something missing or misspelled or inaccurate or incomplete, please fix it! If you have some experience on some subject, find a good place for it and put it in!
 +  * To be able to edit pages, just {{actionlink>login|log in}} (this link will log you out if you're already logged in).
 +  * To learn how to use or edit the wiki, read the [[wiki:dokuwiki|Wiki Help]].
 +  * The default license of content on the wiki is CC-BY-SA 3.0.
 +  * To discuss the wiki or offer suggestions, go to the [[talk:start|discussion]] section. (Every page on the wiki has a "talk" section, accessible by a tab at the top of the page). The [[Wiki Administration]] page has technical details about the wiki.
 +==== Recently Changed Pages on the Wiki ====
 +{{rss>http://badgrads.berkeley.edu/feed.php 8 author date 1h }}
 +===== Life in Berkeley =====
 +  * [[New Students, Read This!]]
 +  * [[Get Set Up]]
 +  * [[Community]]
 +  * [[Health Insurance]]
 +  * [[Dentists]]
 +  * [[Housing]]
 +  * [[Residency]]
 +  * [[Transportation]]
 +  * [[Voting]]
 +  * [[Financial Advice|Personal Finance]]
 +===== Academic Stuff =====
 +  * [[academic_rules|Academic and Department Guidelines]] (includes formal rules for exams and degrees)
 +  * [[private:academic_rules:core|Core Curriculum and Course Scheduling]]
 +  * [[http://astro.berkeley.edu/programs/undergraduate-program/policy-on-academic-misconduct|Department Cheating Policy]]
 +  * [[http://registrar.berkeley.edu/Records/diplomas.html|Get your diploma]]
 +  * [[https://ls.berkeley.edu/ls-student-support-advocacy|L&S Student Support & Advocacy]]
 +  * [[Graduate Student/Postdoc Seminar]]
 +  * [[Mentoring]]
 +  * [[Prelim]]
 +  * [[Qual Lore]]
 +  * [[Thesis Lore]] and [[Filing Timeline|Filing and Graduation Timeline]]
 +  * [[Getting a Postdoc Lore]]
 +  * [[Career Planning Resources]]
 +===== Science Stuff =====
 +  * [[http://casper.berkeley.edu/astrobaki/index.php/Main_Page|Astrobaki]]: Aaron Parsons's wiki for pedagogical materials
 +  * [[Conferences]]
 +  * [[IDL|IDL magic!]]
 +  * [[posters|Makin' Posters]]
 +  * [[Past Theses]]
 +  * [[reductions|Reducing the telescopes of the world!]]
 +  * [[remote|Remote Observing From Campus]]
 +  * [[Submitting Papers]]
 +  * [[LaTeX and BibTex]]
 +  * [[More productivity tips from GSPS discussions]]
 +=====Department Stuff====
 +  * [[Alumni]]
 +  * [[Graduate Student Postdoc Seminar]] (GSPS)
 +  * [[On Advising]]
 +  * [[Pay]]
 +  * [[Reimbursements]]
 +  * [[http://astro.berkeley.edu/people/staff|Staff]]
 +  * [[http://astro.berkeley.edu/people/graduate-students|Student Directory]]
 +  * [[Student Jobs]]
 +  * [[talks_in_the_department|Talks, etc. in the Department]]
 +  * [[Teaching]]
 +  * [[Travel Funds]]
 +===== Job Stuff =====
 +  * [[AstroCDS (Astronomy Career Development Seminar)]]
 +  * [[Getting a Postdoc Lore]]
 +  * [[Getting Something Other than a Postdoc Lore]]
 +  * [[private:career_workshop_2023|Career Workshop 2023]]
 +===== Other Stuff / Old Stuff =====
 +  * [[Berkeley Howl]]
 +  * [[Movie Night]]
 +  * [[Sierra Conference]]
 +  * [[nomad|The NOMAD Star Catalog]]
 +  * [[Academic Genealogy]]
 +  * [[:Archives:]]