This is an old revision of the document!

This page is currently undergoing edits courtesy of Nathan Sandford (05/12/22)



Each BAD grad student is required to teach for at least two semesters before graduating, usually starting in the first semester of the first year. All first-semester GSIs are also required to take Astro 300, the introductory astro teaching course (see below).



  • bCourses is UC Berkeley's official learning management system built upon the Canvas platform. It provides excellent resources for managing class logistics, hosting course materials, grading assignments, and communicating with students. GSI's might not have full control over their class's bCourse page, so work with your instructor-of-record or head-GSI to maximize its usefulness to you.


The Electronic Big Red Binder (EBRB) is a super valuable resource chock-full of lesson plans, worksheets, activities, and quizzes from years gone by. Reuse and modification of any and all of the materials in these resources is highly encouraged! So is uploading your own course materials for future generations.

GSI Teaching and Resource Center

The University has a site,, for all of your GSI-related needs.

Astronomy 375

Astronomy 375 is a required course for entering first-year students and other first-time GSIs on instructional techniques. It helps provide students with advice about teaching (with a focus on leading section for introductory astronomy, but also discussing lecturing and assisting with more advanced classes), and provides a forum for discussing and planning upcoming sections. Taught every fall by two senior graduate students in the department.

Class Pages