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astro300_f11:day11 [2011/10/31 23:52] a_leeastro300_f11:day11 [2013/07/15 22:27] (current) a_lee
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 +======AY 300 - Fall 2011: Eleventh Day Lesson Plan======
 +Today's class will discuss learning styles.
 +======Section recap======
 +(20 minutes)
 +The person on call for this week will share their section experience. Some questions include:
 +   * What did you do? 
 +   * How did you implement your activities? 
 +   * What worked? 
 +   * What didn't work?
 +   * What would you do differently?
 +   * How did you assess learning?
 +   * Did you receive any unexpected questions/reactions/etc.?
 +   * Did anything unexpected happen?
 +   * What were you thinking about while you were running section? Any moments of panic?
 +======New Assignment: Peer Visitation======
 +======Intro to "Teaching Thinking"======
 +Hat problem?  (15 minutes)
 +Reflect on process that everyone went through to solve the problem (5 minutes in groups)
 +Reflect as a class, discuss difference between us and students (10 minutes)
 +Students organize knowledge in different ways, how do we think that students at the 7a and C10 level learn? Compile list on board.
 +Instructors tie that in to pedagogy stuff on learning styles, have class reflect on last week's discussion about incorporating prior knowledge, etc. 
 +What can we do to assist their learning and developing of critical thinking skills?
 +=====Learning styles=====
 +Complete the Learning Styles Inventory (5 minutes, 10 discuss) http://surfaquarium.com/MI/inventory.htm
 +Give some examples of activities that are good for one type of learning but not others (e.g., graphs, mathematics, etc.
 +Come up with an activity (the death of stars) appealing to visual/audatory/kinesthetic styles (1/group)-- 15 minutes to discuss, 15 to present.