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astro300_f11:day15 [2011/11/28 00:55] – created a_leeastro300_f11:day15 [2013/07/15 22:26] (current) a_lee
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 +======AY 300 - Fall 2011: Last Day Lesson Plan======
 +Today's class will involve professor visits, teaching portfolios, pedagogy research, and some closing notes. 
 +======Section recap======
 +(20 minutes)
 +The person on call for this week will share their section experience. Some questions include:
 +   * What did you do? 
 +   * How did you implement your activities? 
 +   * What worked? 
 +   * What didn't work?
 +   * What would you do differently?
 +   * How did you assess learning?
 +   * Did you receive any unexpected questions/reactions/etc.?
 +   * Did anything unexpected happen?
 +   * What were you thinking about while you were running section? Any moments of panic?
 +======Professor Visits======
 +(<=90 minutes)
 +Due to a Academic Senate meeting, these visits will be sprinkled throughout the class. We'll hear from Filippenko, Davis, Quataert, and Stahler on teaching, pedagogy, and philosophy. 
 +======Teaching Portfolios & Statements of Teaching Philosophy======
 +(10 minutes)
 +Slater and Adams has a good chapter on the Teaching Portfolio.
 +    * Good emphasis on not slipping into generalities and on trying to connect everything to a set of specific goals.
 +    * The rubric itself is pretty logical given what we've talked about this semester.
 +    * The 5 main points to cover/things to do in a Teaching Philosophy are:
 +      - Goals for student learning
 +      - Enactment of goals/teaching methods
 +      - Assessment of goals (measuring student learning)
 +      - Creating an inclusive classroom and acknowledge differences in students' learning abilities and styles
 +      - Good structure, rhetoric, language; well-written
 +    * General guidelines:
 +      - Brief (1-2 pages)
 +      - Narrative, first person approach
 +      - Portray yourself as an individual: don't be vague, broad, or too general
 +      - Give specific examples of your teaching in practice
 +      - Showcase your strengths and accomplishments
 +      - Convey reflectiveness
 +      - Communicate that teaching is valued
 +  * Michigan's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching has a great site on this stuff [[http://www.crlt.umich.edu/tstrategies/tstpts.php|here]]
 +You might try this to get you started: In at least one paragraph, but not more than one page, answer the following questions:
 +   - I bring to teaching a belief that …..
 +   - In the classroom I see myself as …..
 +   - I believe students are …..
 +   - I seek to foster in students …..
 +   - I think the role of discussion section is …..