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astro300_f11:todo [2011/07/22 00:53] differentialpiastro300_f11:todo [2011/08/11 23:56] (current) differentialpi
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   - Create listserve E-mail lists   - Create listserve E-mail lists
   - Send E-mail in early/mid August about Ay300   - Send E-mail in early/mid August about Ay300
 +**NEXT WEEK GOALS (for 8/18):**
 +  - Therese: Update the syllabus
 +  - Aaron : Clean up the webpage
 +  - Aaron : Find out room number and get GSI names
 +  - Therese: Update the schedule on the main page. 
 +  - Aaron/Therese : Once Aaron get names, send Therese a draft Email and then email everyone.
 **NEXT WEEK GOALS (for 7/28):** **NEXT WEEK GOALS (for 7/28):**