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astro300_f14:day11 [2014/10/30 22:12] – created a_leeastro300_f14:day11 [2014/11/08 00:29] (current) a_lee
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 +====== AY 375 Fall 2014: Eleventh Day Plan ======
 +Today we will finish our discussion on misconceptions in astronomy/science and how they can influence our teaching. 
 +====General Takeaways====
 +   - a
 +   - b
 +   - c
 +=====Midsemester Eval Discussion  (10 minutes)=====
 +Dominic and lab GSIs: Open the floor up for general questions and sharing about how sections are going. Some questions include:
 +   * What did you learn from your midsemester evals? Anything surprising? 
 +   * What do you plan to change about your teaching in the remaining sections? 
 +=====Experienced GSI visit - Abby Polin from Physics (40 minutes) =====
 +=====We finish board work question (20 minutes) =====
 +=====Misconceptions (rest of minutes) =====