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community [2011/08/17 22:34] jsilvcommunity [2022/05/19 22:19] (current) – created nathan_sandford
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   * Patten University's [[http://www.prisonuniversityproject.org/pages/about/about-us.html|Prison University Project]] at San Quentin helps inmates earn degrees.  Volunteers teach and tutor math, astronomy, and physics. (Donations and volunteers are needed because, by law, federal funds may not be used for education of the incarcerated). Casey Law (''claw@astro'') has worked with them recently.   * Patten University's [[http://www.prisonuniversityproject.org/pages/about/about-us.html|Prison University Project]] at San Quentin helps inmates earn degrees.  Volunteers teach and tutor math, astronomy, and physics. (Donations and volunteers are needed because, by law, federal funds may not be used for education of the incarcerated). Casey Law (''claw@astro'') has worked with them recently.
-  * [[http://www.crscience.org/cic/| Bay Area Scientists In Schools (formerly Community in the Classroom)]] is like Project ASTRO but you visit a bunch of different classrooms throughout the school year and do basically the same demo every time. They also include all sciences, not just astronomy. Nicholas McConnell (''nmcc@astro'') and Adam Morgaon (''amorgan@astro'') have participated recently.+  * [[http://www.crscience.org/volunteers/aboutbasis| Bay Area Scientists In Schools (formerly Community in the Classroom)]] is like Project ASTRO but you visit a bunch of different classrooms throughout the school year and do basically the same demo every time. They also include all sciences, not just astronomy. Nicholas McConnell (''nmcc@astro'') and Adam Morgaon (''amorgan@astro'') have participated recently.
   * [[http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/|SSL Center for Science Education]] has lots of educational programs available. Bryan Mendez (''bmendez@ssl'') and Dan Zevin (''dzevin@ssl'') collaborate often with our Department.   * [[http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/|SSL Center for Science Education]] has lots of educational programs available. Bryan Mendez (''bmendez@ssl'') and Dan Zevin (''dzevin@ssl'') collaborate often with our Department.