Reminder that this is something we intend to do every week and that everyone should come prepared to share about how their previous sections went.
(3 minutes) Warm-Up: Individually, think about how section went this past week. Questions to keep in mind:
(17 minutes) Open the floor up for general questions and sharing about how sections are going.
Note: Powerpoint Slides are used, which roughly followed the lesson plan below.
(10 minutes) Telephone-Learning-Objectives Exercise
(10 minutes) As a class, brainstorm verbs used in questions/exams (“describe”, “summarize”, “synthesize”) and rank them as “higher/lower” levels of learning. Essentially create Bloom's taxonomy as a class first, and then pass out Bloom handout. Students often treat learning as fact memorization and regurgitation. As GSIs, we want to help students come to a higher level of understanding. How can the questions we ask and the lesson plans we write encourage this?
(40 minutes) Unpacking a topic to form learning objectives and a lesson plan
(5 minutes) A good section has a lesson plan that targets these learning objects (and is implemented well). Reference 12-step guide for making a lesson plan. Discuss each step briefly.
Encourage students to keep a record of their lesson plans and to reflect on each one after they use it. We will be collecting their lesson notebooks to glance through them at some point in the semester!