Getting set up
residency info
in the department (cubes, computers, etc.)
campus resources (gym, health center, eye center, dentists, bearwalk)
upcoming events reminder: BBQ (????), GSI orientations (Thurs 20 Aug -international, Fri 21 Aug - everyone)
Information/Q&A on courses & GSI (Aaron)
GA presentation (Dyas and GA rep, ~2 p.m.)
Welcome from the Chair (Eugene, Gibor, ~2:15)
Mentoring and advising systems (Eugene)
how many classes should you take?
when to start research and how?
expectations by the end of 2nd year
prelim - 3 classes
1 of radiation/fluids
other options - stars, SF, ISM, galaxies, cosmology, (planets, high energy?)
Talks (colloquium, Thursday lunches, GSPS, etc.)
Fun Stuff to do in Berkeley (outreach, Sierra Conference, Ski Trip, etc.)