First-Year Orientation 2021
Planning information for the 2021 First-Year Orientation
Wednesday, 18 Aug
10:00am-11:30am Orientation (6th Floor Lounge)
Welcome from the Chair with Josh Bloom
Mentoring and advising systems with Dan Weisz
Faculty side of advising (we describe student side)
Pass out
academic roadmap
how many classes should you take?
classes in other departments (physics, CS, pottery, language)
filling your 12 units
when to start research and how?
How pick to Picking a Research Advisor meeting coming soon to a department near you
AY290 and AY375
What are they?
expectations by the end of 2nd year
6 core classes, 12 astro units
2/3 for letter grade
prelim - 3 classes
1 of radiation/fluids
other options - stars, SF, ISM, galaxies, cosmology, (planets, high energy)
Funding - Discussion with Yasasha
1st years are covered for teaching and through summer (after 1st year you need an advisor)
GSI vs GSR in subsequent years
check to make sure you are getting paid/tuition is paid each semester
lots of
talks in the department
See also
schedule of department events
GO TO COLLOQUIUM, THURSDAY LUNCHES AND GSPS! Also a good idea to go to at least one seminar (TAC, CIPS, cosmology)
mention 1 min colloquium
Getting set up
*residency info
* more information at
new students read this
get set up
page to look for resources
in the department (cubes, building access, email, printing, scanners)
campus resources (gym, health center, eye center, dentists, bearwalk)
What is Berkeley Time?
upcoming events reminder
Set up GSI / GSR onboarding HR paperwork
GSI orientations (Thurs 19 Aug -international, Fri 20 Aug - everyone)
Picking a Research Advisor meeting (in a few weeks)
Jobs Meeting
Welcome Party (????)
Fun Stuff
to do in Berkeley
Sierra Conference, Ski Trip, etc.
Things to do in the area
How to get around (Clipper Card including buses and BART)
11:30am-11:45am GSI Union with Representative
11:45am-12:00pm Outreach with Emily/Casey?
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch (I recommend Cancun)
2:00pm-4:30pm Respect is Part of Research (375 Le Conte or Zoom)