
Once you've finished a paper, you want to put it up on astro-ph. Many astronomers read the listings, so it's an important way to distribute your work. Information on how to submit is here. People have differing (strong) opinions about whether you should post on astro-ph when you submit your paper to a journal or when it's accepted. Remember that many people who look at your initial posting are unlikely to look again if you post a revision, so you want it to be right the first time around. Unless you have a good reason to post earlier, you should probably wait until the paper is accepted. Good reasons often involve the immediate fear of being scooped by competitors.


\slugcomment{{\sc Accepted to ApJ:} August 1, 2006} 
\begin{align}  % breaks up a single "long" equation into two lines, aligning on the left
& a = b \times c \nonumber \\  % don't number the first chunk of equation
& + d \times e
\begin{eqnarray} % breaks two equations onto two lines
a & = & f  \\
& \propto & g

You may also need to adjust the sizes of your figures. For example:

\begin{figure}      % use "figure*" instead of "figure" if you want your figure to span both columns
\epsscale{1.0}      % adjust this number to change the size of your figure
\caption{This figure rocks.}
\end{figure}        % again use "figure*" instead of "figure" to span both columns

If necessary to place your figure perfectly, add commands like \hspace{-0.7in} and \vspace{0.3in} to add or subtract horizontal or vertical space (inside the figure environment). (It seems to me that these commands don't work continuously though; i.e., LaTeX won't add or subtract any arbitrary amount of space that you enter.)

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