This is an old revision of the document!

Aaron's draft schedule

It seems very heavy at the beginning, but (I think) it's necessary. Stuff near the end can be switched around as desired. I cut out December 5th, but holding class that week could be optional. Classes later on in the semester need not be two hours.


Class Number Date/Week of Topics HW
1 Aug 23 Bootcamp 1: Paper airplane activity/discussion ; What makes a good first section? General classroom setting, syllabus design, resources, philosophy from the instructors Draft your first 50 minute section (lesson plan and syllabus)
2 Aug 24 (Sections start tomorrow) Bootcamp 2: Peer learning activities, lecturing and boardwork, use of technology, class closings and assessment, interacting with students Pick someone to share their section with the class for Monday (and do so every week from now on) ; Continue drafting first sections ; Finish all online things (ethics course)
3 Aug 29 (Most have not taught yet) Ethics case studies, effective group work activities, ppl at the board (topic: math review, tell them in advance?), Write a lesson plan for next week, bring all lesson plans to next class ; Pick a group work/active learning technique to employ in your section during the week off;
- Sept 5 Labor Day, no class Therese and I record GSI's section ; write an example quiz question
4 Sept 12 (Quizzes next week) Go over lesson plans, group work/active learning discussion, writing quiz questions, administering demos effectively, board work continued (topic: math review or figures/equations) pick another group work activity to implement this week in section
5 Sept 19 (Quizzes this week) Discuss group work, discuss visitations, developing rubics and grading quizzes (bring in example questions/responses), cheating, board work (topic: explaining quiz questions), writing worksheets, pick Design-A-Demo groups, Continue working on DaD, Write two multiple choice questions focusing on common misconceptions and post to Facebook asking for responses and comments
6 Sept 26 Discuss writing questions, go over examples in class, discuss DaD proposals, boardwork (topic: midterm review), check teaching logs write example midterm questions (one MC, one TF; perhaps we can make sure Karto/Alex lets them know their slide numbers early enough)
7 Oct 3 (Midterm reviews this week), DaD presentations , boardwork (topic: midterm reviews) , Write a little about how you think you can improve your own teaching
8 Oct 10 (C10 GSIs have to grade) 1-hour Celia's meeting some other time during the week, midsemester evaluations midsemester evaluations, Visit each other's sections this week


Class Number Date/Week of Topics HW
9 Oct 17 Special Topic 1: Motivation and dealing with student problems/inabilities, bias in the classroom, cultural differences, etc. Bring in one misconception a student brings up during class or office hours
10 Oct 24 (Quizzes this week) Special Topic 2: Identifying misconceptions, how wording can promote misconceptions, etc. ,
11 Oct 31 Therese and Aaron record sections again this week (or sometime in November), Special Topic 3: Teaching Thinking
12 Nov 7 (Review sessions this week) Discuss visitations, Special Topic 4: , check teaching logs
13 Nov 14 (C10 GSIs have to grade) Optional class at Celia's later in the week


Class Number Date/Week of Topics HW
14 Nov 21 Special Topic 5: Pedagogy research in the sciences , Other GSIs visit, Check teaching logs this week Think about teaching philosophy?
15 Nov 28 Special Topic 6: , Teachers visit, Wrap Up