This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
AY 300 - Fall 2010: First Day
Class begins as a real day-one discussion section in 264 Evans. Students are broken into groups and lead through an activity that emphasizes group work and student-student interaction. The remainder of the discussion section will discuss what happened, and overarching themes of running a discussion section, teaching at Berkeley in general and an astronomy class in particular.
During all discussions, Aaron and Josh are circling the room and seeding ideas in groups, which they will bring into the class-wide discussion.
Goals for the First Day of Any Section
- Set the tone and atmosphere that will persist
- This means using the same techniques you plan to employ later
- Implement effective teaching techniques, including good boardwork
- Break the ice, and get students participating with each other and you
- Get out relevant logistical info, especially a syllabus
Goals for Bootcamp
Things that should come on the first day
- Show students first hand what peer-instruction techniques are like – “get a feel for it”
- Highlight the ways in which the classroom atmosphere can be set on the first day of section
- Isolate effective teaching practices
- Give examples of ice-breaking/first-day activities (should be fun, and somehow related to the rest of the semester, through content or otherwise)
- Point out the resources they can use to plan section
- Help them create a section syllabus
- Think critically about what teaching means to them, what do they want out of this class and their teaching experience
Lesson Plan
Walk over to 264 Evans (10 min)
- The passcode to get into the discussion room is 1-9-4-4.
Introductions (20 min)
On the board
- Our names, contact info, office locations
- Classroom time and location for Day 2
- Any announcements?
- Code for 264 Evans (1944)
- Sign up for the class if you haven't done so yet (CCN: 06325). E-mail Dexter Stewart (dstewart@astro) if you get waitlisted.
- Bring your semester schedules on Day 2?
- E-mail Nina Ruymaker (ninanina@berkeley) your full name, student ID, and card number (on the back, bottom right of card) to gain late night access to Evans.
Introductory talking
- Welcome to Astro 300: Instructional Techniques in Astronomy!
- What to call us: Aaron and Josh
- What's our purpose in here?
- To give YOU the confidence to hold a discussion section.
- To bring to your discussion sections (and any future courses you may teach) confidence, enthusiasm, and good technique. What do you want your students to leave with at the end of your 50 minutes together? Keep this question in mind throughout the semester as you develop your own teaching philosophy.
Pass Out and Fill Out Index Cards
- Last, First (Front of card)
- E-mail
- Department or Major (Front of card)
- Class you are teaching for
- Year
- Hometown
- Astronomy Background
- Teaching Experience
- Enrolled in the course and/or section
- Reason for taking the course? (“because I need a science course” is a perfectly acceptable answer)
- Poll the class to see who's enrolled in AY 300, Section 003 (CCN: 06325). The number of credits is variable, but technically it's two credits for the course plus one discussion section and three credits for the course plus two discussion sections. If you get waitlisted in the class, E-mail Dexter Stewart (dstewart@astro) and ask to be added to the course.
- Hand out the syllabus.
- Hit the major points, but don't dwell on this (will return to it later)
Icebreaking Activity (30 min)
Taken from Modelling Discourse Management by Desbien
- Put together a set of instructions on how to make a paper airplane in small groups (We can change the specific activity used Aaron: “I like the airplane idea, let's go with that.”)
- This is the only instruction we will give
- Based on my experience with Compass, we need a specific time limit. Here, I say 10 minutes to make instructions, 10 minutes to interpret and build paper airplanes, 10 minutes of big group discussion of the activity.
- Collect instructions and exchange in between groups
- Pass out instructions and tell to follow instructions exactly
- Must interpret meaning of “lengthwise,” etc.
- We are going around making them question these meanings (i.e., what is “lengthwise” if holding paper in landscape orientation, etc.)
- The idea is to get crazy things out of the instructions.
- Bring together into circle and discuss the activity (We are also in the circle, if not completely outside it.)
- Point out that this is how we will hold discussions in this class (Precedent setting)
- Questions:
- Why did we get crazy-looking airplanes?
- What terms were ambiguous?
- What assumptions needed to be made that weren't explicit
- Why would we do this?
- Where we hope to get them (meaning consensus):
- Terms/definitions must be agreed upon before being used
- Pictures are often better than words
Concluding Remarks (2 mins)
- Re-iteration that this is how they should expect classes to proceed in the future.
- Announcement/reminder of any homework, etc.
- Answer on your notecard:
- “What did you like best about the class? What could have been improved?”
BREAK (5 mins)
Recapping (40 mins)
General classroom setting (20 mins)
- Brainstorm in small groups about what we did/accomplished. Consider the following (our ideas about these):
- What atmosphere developed? How?
- (Comfortable (hopefully!) and collaborative. Humanizing ourselves with answers to questions, humor. Putting ourselves in the circle, not in front of the room.)
- What precedents were set? How (be specific)?
- (Group activity will be the main mode of learning. Students are responsible for developing main points. Consensus must be reached. Placing in small groups. Very little lecturing on our part. Not placing ourselves in front/middle, etc.)
- What did you like? Not like?
- Gather in big group and discuss what they came up with. Reach some consensus.
Syllabus: Ours and Yours (15 mins)
- Syllabus (and the other handouts we'll pass out later today) are all online on the course wiki page. It is useful to occasionally check for updates since the syllabus may evolve slightly (e.g., the list and order of topics).
- Discuss designing your own section syllabus (not a lecture syllabus):
- Brainstorm in small groups what makes a good syllabus? What about ours is good? What is missing? Use whiteboards!
- Where we hope to get them:
- There's no need to be very long or hard-edged.
- The course syllabus should have the key information, but you should emphasize your contact info and any section policies that you want to enforce.
- It's important to be yourself in your syllabus and try to strike the same tone and tenor as section will in general.
- Gather in our circle and discuss/come to a consensus.
- Examples:
- AY C10 Section Syllabus by Dan Perley.
- AY C10 Section Syllabus by Josh Shiode from 2007.
- AY C10 Section Syllabus by Aaron Lee from 2009.
General Resources (5 mins)
- Course website contains copies of handouts and links to relevant pages. (Perhaps show the webpage using an overhead projector. I can bring my laptop.)
- Make an account on Badgrads so you can view the EBRB and contribute to our course website.
- EBRB Website. Examples and templates. Invaluable resource. No need to reinvent the wheel.
- You might start thinking of how your own syllabus will look. We are happy to look over it for you when you have a draft.
Assignment #1: assigned 8/24, due 8/25 (Last 5 min)
1. Make an account on the BadGrads website.
2. Look at sample syllabi on this page and draft a syllabus for your section (we will be happy to look them over after Day 2).
3. Draft (at least a skeleton) lesson plan for your first-day. Think about introductory materials/statements, icebreakers, activities, assessments, and the time each activity takes. What atmosphere do you want to create? How will you accomplish your goals?
- Based on today, you should be ready to put together at least the intro and icebreaker, but jot down some ideas for the rest.
HW will not be this extensive in the future.
Other Reminders: (Last 5 min)
- Enroll and complete the GSI Resource Center's Online Ethics Course. You are all required to enroll in this course and complete all five online modules during the first 3 weeks of the semester. You can do one module at a time (or all of them at once) and each module will take anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes to complete.
- Take a quick poll of who's finished it and who's started it.
- All first time ASEs (Academic Student Employees) must attend the New ASE Orientation, which will include a 30-minute orientation by the university and a 30-minute presentation by UAW Local 2865. The dates, times and locations for the Orientations can be found at
- Poll who has a computer account and who receives
email (or at least the first email I sent) in a timely manner. - Remind everyone to see Nina Ruymaker (
) on the sixth floor of Campbell so that she can see your student ID and get it coded for entry into Evans after hours. Either Nina or Dexter Stewart can help you get keys, if necessary.