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AY 300 - Fall 2011: Fourth Day Lesson Plan


Today's class will discuss …


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Section/Group Work Sharing (30 min)

The person on call for this week will share their section experience. Some questions include:

  • What did you do?
  • How did you implement your activities?
  • What worked?
  • What didn't work?
  • What would you do differently?
  • How did you assess learning?
  • Did you receive any unexpected questions/reactions/etc.?
  • Did anything unexpected happen?
  • What were you thinking about while you were running section? Any moments of panic?

During this (and after), open the floor up for general questions and sharing about how sections are going. We will do this every week for the rest of the semester.

Transition to discussion of group work activities that were done in section.

Lesson Plans (20 min)

(10 min) Get in groups and share your lesson plans with each other. Comment on whether learning objectives are specific, whether activities are well motivated, and if the assessment properly assesses the learning objectives.

(10 min) Discussion as a class: What is important for a lesson plan?

Administering Demos (5 min)

  • Demo basics:
    • Demos are a great addition to a standard/dry worksheet.
    • Sometimes they actually do help elucidate concepts and students like doing “hands-on” experiments (this is a science class!).
    • As always, the EBRB is a great resource and has a page devoted to demos.
    • In addition, on a given topic's page in the EBRB, there should be listed any relevant demos.
  • What makes a good demo?
    • Illustrating difficult physical concept(s)
    • Interactive: students can participate
    • A springboard to new topics
    • Straightforward: minimal risk of failure
    • Demo actually illustrates concept in question
  • When demos go wrong:
    • Demos can and sometimes do FAIL!
    • Sometimes, especially in astronomy, they can confuse students more than help them or oversimplify a concept.
    • Materials may be missing or broken, so CHECK IN ADVANCE!
  • Some of our favorite demos:
    • Remind everyone that most are written up in the EBRB and on the Resources handout (and wiki page)
    • Do bolded ones?
    • Keep going until a couple minutes before this chunk of class is supposed to be done
    1. Arc lamps: Put high voltage through tubes of gas and look through diffraction gratings to see spectral lines. On the EBRB Light Blackbodies Spectral Lines and the Doppler Effect page, “under Line spectroscopy and arc lamp activities”.
      • C10 already did this, this year.. Check if useful to describe for 10…?
      • Head GSIs will train GSIs
      • Students like this one
      • Make sure the stuff is there if your section is early in the day.
      • Test it yourself and make sure you can see lines so you can help your students better.
    2. Warping of Spacetime: A 2D analogy using stretchy black fabric and balls/weights. No worksheets exist in the EBRB for this one, but feel free to make one! We might do this one in Ay 300 later in the semester.
    3. Celestial sphere, phases of the moon, seasons, orbits: Styrofoam balls, a lamp or flashlight, people getting up and moving around. Many worksheets go with these kinds of demos and can be found on the Demos page of the EBRB or on the Celestial Sphere, Gravity and Orbits, and Earth/Moon/Sun System pages of the EBRB.
      1. Retrograde motion (Discuss pitfalls)
      2. Day & night on Earth (circle up around a lamp and groups of 3)
      3. Lunar phases (balls on a sticks around a lamp and groups of 3)
      4. Seasons (circle up around a lamp)
      5. Lunar rotation and orbit (i.e. tidal locking) (one person orbits another with the Moon's arms outstretched)
    4. Parallax with your finger (very simple, “close one eye then the other” kind of thing)
    5. Doppler shift of sound (whirling a buzzer on a string)
    6. Class H-R diagram (too long to do in Ay 300)
    7. Stating in words, stating in math, drawing, and acting out Kepler's and/or Newton's Laws (can be done with a worksheet, or just have students take notes as each group presents their law) (too long to do in Ay 300)
    8. Donut/bagel on a string (though I'm sure profs will do it in class)
    9. Jumping on a chair with balls being thrown (though I'm sure profs will do it in class)
    10. (Rayleigh) Scattering of Light: Fill a fish tank with water and a couple drops of milk and shine a flashlight through it to show scattering of blue light and transmission of red light. On the EBRB Light Blackbodies Spectral Lines and the Doppler Effect page there's a worksheet called “Emission, Absorption, Scattering, and Nebulae” and one called “Scattering Demo.”
    11. Planetary Nebulae (and Limb Brightening and Optical Depth): use a Hoberman sphere covered in Christmas lights to show how spherical radiating clouds can appear ring-like. On the EBRB's Stellar Evolution page, there's a worksheet called 'Limb Brightening: “Hoberman Planetary Nebula” Demo.'
    • Physics has some, but it's kind of a pain to check them out, but some are good for section and some are good for full lecture.
  • Remind everyone that they're required to “Design a Demo”:
    • You are required to design a demo for the class you are teaching.
    • Hopefully the demo will be easy to construct so that we can get funds through Dexter for you to build the demonstration. If the demo is very expensive, you will only be required to write-up your idea for the EBRB so that the idea can be revisited later by future GSIs.

Break (2 min)

Writing Quiz Questions / Administering Quizzes (20 min)

(10 min) Discussion

(10 min) Editing and Sharing in groups

Board Work Activity (25 min)

(1 min) Explanation

(25 min = 5+5+5+5+5) Board Work Activities

Planning Section (remaining time)