Table of Contents

AY 300 - Fall 2010: Weekly Assignments

Assignment #1: assigned 8/24, due 8/25

  1. Make an account on the BadGrads website.
  2. Look at sample syllabi on this page and draft a syllabus for your section (we will be happy to look them over after Day 2).
  3. Draft (at least a skeleton) lesson plan for your first-day. Think about introductory materials/statements, icebreakers, activities, assessments, and the time each activity takes. What atmosphere do you want to create? How will you accomplish your goals?
    • Based on today, you should be ready to put together at least the intro and icebreaker, but jot down some ideas for the rest.

Assignment #2: assigned 8/25, due 8/30

  1. Start keeping a teaching log.
  2. Read “Collaborative Learning 101”, distributed in class. At least skim pp. 7-12 (“Types of Groups” through “Theory and Research on Collaborative Learning”) and definitely read pp. 19-26 (“Lessons of Experience: Tips from Teachers”); the other parts of the handout can be skimmed or skipped (i.e., ignore the extended river metaphor…).
    • Be prepared to discuss next time.
    • Consider the following questions in prep for the discussion (perhaps jot down a few notes):
      • Are you convinced that collaborative learning is always superior to lecture learning?
      • What kinds of further evidence would you like to see about the efficacy of collaborative learning?
      • Do any of the guidelines in the second portion of the required reading seem especially appropriate or especially inappropriate to your section(s)?
      • Do the claims in this article jibe with your experience leading section so far?
  3. In at least one paragraph, but not more than one page, answer the following questions:
    • I bring to teaching a belief that …..
    • In the classroom I see myself as …..
    • I believe students are …..
    • I seek to foster in students …..
    • I think the role of discussion section is …..

You will share and discuss these responses in groups and with the class at the beginning of our next session.

Assignment #3: assigned 9/8, due 9/13

  1. Please read the awesome Six Ways to Discourage Learning. Note which things your past and current profs have been guilty of, and how those violations affected your learning in those classes.
  2. Believe it or not, your first quizzes will be administered in 2 weeks (the week of the 20th). So we are asking you to write at least one quiz question aimed at the AY 10 or AY 7 level (whichever you are teaching). We will discuss these questions and question writing techniques in class on Monday.
  3. Lastly, we would like you to visit each others' sections to get ideas and critique each other, so we have a “peer visitation” project for this coming week (since the following week is quiz week in Astro C10). See the assignment page for details.

Assignment #4: assigned 9/13, due 9/20

Here are the reading assignments:

For Leading a Discussion

For Discussion Participation

For Asking and Fielding Students' Questions

Assignment #5: assigned 9/23, due 9/27

- Next week, we will discuss how to write good exam questions. In preparation, write at least one multiple choice exam question and at least one free response exam question, using your best efforts. Feel free to be creative! The questions should be targeted for the AY 10 or AY 7 level and can cover any topic in astronomy or relevant physics. We will anonymously critique each other's example questions in class next time.

  1. An optional reading that's relevant to the writing assignment is in Learner-Centered Astronomy Teaching: Strategies for Teaching Astro 101 (aka the Orange Book) by Slater & Adams. (There's a copy of this book in the seventh floor Astronomy Library in the bookshelf to the right of the door as you walk in. The book is thin and its spine is orange. Also, both Aaron, Josh, Jeff Silverman, or Peter Williams have copies that you can borrow for a day or two – as do a few other astro grads.) Again, reading the following chapters may be interesting but is not required:
    • Chapter 7: Strategies for Writing Effective Multiple-Choice Test Items
    • Chapter 8: Alternatives to Multiple-Choice Tests (especially pages 71-77, 82-84)
  1. Some other optional readings:
    • Chapter 8. Testing: The Details from McKeachie's Teaching Tips

Assignment #6: assigned 9/30, due 10/04

We will be checking your teaching logs next week. So bring them to class!

In preparation for the discussion on collaborative learning next week, you will read an article from the pedagogy literature. There are two articles, and each of you will be responsible for reading one of them. Make notes on what was important and worth sharing. If your paper is a research project, what were the assumptions? What were the implications of their results? What could affect their answers?

Optional Readings and copies of handouts:

Assignment #7: assigned 10/08, due (Wed) 10/13