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astro300_f13:day13 [2013/11/14 01:01] – [The Hidden Curriculum (50 minutes)] f.fornasiniastro300_f13:day13 [2013/11/14 01:02] (current) – [The Hidden Curriculum (50 minutes)] f.fornasini
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    - Small groups, class share: How can we help students transition from thinking of scientific knowledge as received vs. constructed?    - Small groups, class share: How can we help students transition from thinking of scientific knowledge as received vs. constructed?
    - Class: What did you find most shocking/revealing/surprising from Table 3.2? Do you expect the same trends might exist for your course?  Why?    - Class: What did you find most shocking/revealing/surprising from Table 3.2? Do you expect the same trends might exist for your course?  Why?
-   - Redish talks about metacognition and an example of how to foster it in the classroom.  Do you think that Schoenfeld's questions could be used in astronomy classrooms to help students become aware and control their thinking processes?  Ideas of other ways to foster metacognition? +   Small groups, class share: Redish talks about metacognition and an example of how to foster it in the classroom.  Do you think that Schoenfeld's questions could be used in astronomy classrooms to help students become aware and control their thinking processes?  Ideas of other ways to foster metacognition? 
-   - What role do you think showmanship plays in a classroom? Is it superfluous, nice if it happens, necessary, or crucial? +   Class: What role do you think showmanship plays in a classroom? Is it superfluous, nice if it happens, necessary, or crucial? 
    - Class: How can we help students who feel like they just can't do physics or math (for self-image reasons, including gender threat)?      - Class: How can we help students who feel like they just can't do physics or math (for self-image reasons, including gender threat)?